Sunday, January 07, 2007


发信人: starstorm (尘影), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 面试编程题的一些经验
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 6 18:53:16 2007)



本人当时有一年多的工作经验,找的是Develper的工作,算是Entry Level或稍微高一



首先,仔细地考虑问题。一道题哪怕做过100遍,也要再三考虑。Do not work too
fast, do not try to solve a lot of questions. That does not give you any BIG
CREDIT! 记住,安全第一,言多必失。If the interviewer expects you to solve 3
problems in 45 mins, and you solve them within 30 mins. She may have to ask
you two more. If you solve them correctly in 15 mins, it may increase your
credit a little bit. But if you make one single mistake, it will be used
against you GREATLY! So, think of the benefit and risk, and consider whether
it is worthy to take the risk. Remember, for a entry-level programmer, the
company just expects you to pass the bar. So do not take risk impressing
them. And for a senior programmer, I also believe it will not increase your
credit a lot just because you can solve some simple programming problems
quicklier than others.


If the task is to implement a function, you need to ask to clarify:
(1) What is the task?
(2) What is the input?
(3) What is the output? How to return normally? How to return an error?
(4) What is the data structure?

First, you may ask the interviewer to give you some input example, then
write some more input example (test case) yourself. 如果要写出没有错误的程序
但一些testing的感觉会非常有帮助。Think it this way. What is the purpose of
your program? It is nothing but to process the input data! So when you write
code, you MUST bear it in mind what kind of data this statement, this code
snippet will process? So why not just enumerate all the test case before you
write your function? In my experience, writing test case can help me write
the program easier by just considering how to deal with those cases, and it
makes the program need less modification later!

Test cases for single function are typically a discussion of all the
possible input parameters, good input, boundary and bad input. You need to
pay special attention to boundary and bad input, which mean a branch in your


Implement function
char *strtoken(char *s1, const char *s2)

Strtoken() considers the string s1 to consist of a sequence of zero or more
text tokens separated by single characters from the separator string s2.

First you need to ask the interviewer how to return the result. She may say
the first call, returns the first token, second call returns the second
token, blah... If all the tokens have been returned, the call return NULL.
Then you need to ask her if it OK to change the input string s1, and she may
say it is fine (Actually this is implicited because s1 does not have const
while s2 does, pay attention to such signals. And remember, when you write
function prototype yourself, add const in the parameters whenever possible).
This means you can use a NULL to replace separators in s1 and return a NULL
-ended token, and this returned pointers will point to some place in the
string s1. Then you may ask as this function only returns tokens, not the
pointer to a position in string s1 that is to be searched inthe next call,
how to distinguish each calls. She may ask you to think it yourself (
probably) or she may tell you only the first call has input s1, the
subsequent calls set s1 NULL. Then you should know you need to record the
information of the current position in the function, which means a local
static variable.

Test case:

s2: NULL, empty (*s2 ==\0), one or more chars
use D to represent separator, N non-separator
s1: NULL, empty, all N, all D, starting with N, starting with D, ending with
N, ending with D

After you lists all the test cases, ask the interviewer to review it and
whether she has more to say before you proceed to implement the function.

After you finish the function and the interviewer accept it. You may mention
risks, performance bottlenecks, possible optimizations, and alternative

In this function, you may say the bottleneck is the function to search
whether a char in s1 is in s2, so you may optimize the function find(char ch
, const char * separators). (Suppose you use such a function, and I would
recommend this) Several ways, such as sort the string beforehand and use
binary search, use advanced datastructure such as std:set, or hashtable, or
use an array of size 256 to represent whether an ASCII charactar is in

Also you may want to mention that it is not thread-safe because of the local
static variable. And propose some solutions such as use a class to wrap the


double atof(const char * str)

Test case:
str: NULL, empty
typical: [+-]?\d+{\.+\d*}? 我用regular expression 表示。这个题如果不写出所有
的test case,很难做对。

Some questions should be asked?
How to deal with non-digit, friendly (ignore) or non-friendly (error), how
to return an error?
How to deal with special case: str is NULL or empty
empty: 0 obvious
NULL? 0 or error?
How to deal with overflow/underflow


walkclock(int hour, int min) return the angel between hour hand and minute

What exactly the function is expected to do? Is the direction a factor (
clockwise or counter-clockwise?) From hour hand to minute handor or the
Boundy condition. If the two hands overlap, how to do with it?
What is 值域 (domain), [0, 360) or [-180, 180). I think you must explicitly
write this otherwise it will be very confusing.
Boundary condition, 12:00 (or 0:00)



(1) Ask the requirements/responsibilities of the class, a class should have
small set of responsibilities
(2) Write interface (public method to be called by the client) first, do not
forget write constructor if something need to be initialized
(3) Make sure what exactly a class, and its interface do, write some example
(test cases)
(4) For every public method, design and implement following the discuss on
function above
(5) Pay attention to the signature of methods. Use const wheneven possible.
(6) The signature in implementation shoud be the same with the signature in
(7) Be prepared to deal with errors if anything related to memory allocation
or network conection or file I/O
(8) If constructor use new, or create other types of resource, need to write
destructor, need to override copy constructor and assignment constructor.
(9) If a class is possible to be used as a base class, make destructor
(10) Make every member as private as possible.




NULL-ended char string (char *)
(1) NULL
(2) empty, pointing to \0
(3) The char array that can accomondate string is strlen()+1
(4) Some function, like atof(), input string has very complicated form.
(5) More than one string, consider the relationship between two strings, e.g
., strtoken()

(1) Return pointer to local variable
(2) Return reference to local variable
(3) Static local variable (not thread safe, can use a class to replace it)
(4) Use const as much as possible
(5) Return type? Value, reference, const reference, pointer?
(6) How to return error?
(7) If the input parameter is an object, better use reference or pointer

Array (vector), pointer to array
Out of band
(1) Index is result of an operation
(2) Index must be unsigned!!! Otherwise need to gurantee it is > 0.
Especially when char is used as index. char is [-128, 127]
(3) For vector, use iterator as much as possible
(4) Must check bound before access. Otherwise, explain to interviewer why
the check is not necessary. e.g., size is 256, index is unsigned char [0,255

Link list
(1) what is data structure. Typically
struct Node
struct Node * mNext;
int value;
(2) Empty list
struct Node * head = NULL
(3) Only one Node in the list
(4) Pay special attention to operation on head or tail
(5) Whether the list has loop

Type declaration, their value ranges
In different architectures, this is not the same. In X86, int is 32 bit.

Expensive initialization
If a varialbe need a loop to intialize, try to delay it as late as possible

Bit operation
Use unsigned char (int, long)
Size of int, char, long

Is a general tree or binary search tree, or balanced binary search tree
Is it an empty tree

Arithmetic operator
Overflow/underflow, especially pay attention when cast another type to
interger/double. E.g., atof(), must mention the possibility of overflow/

当你在使用指针时,除非有充分的理由,必须检查它是否为空。例如,double atof(
const char * str)。绝对不要对interviewer说,"How about assuming the input
str is not NULL?" She may say "That is OK". But remember, probably she would
forget it when she criticizes your program in the end during the interview,
or when she discusses your case in the meeting of the hiring committee, she
may submit her note which is the exact copy of what you have written, or
even pictures she took on your code in the board. So DO NOT TRUST her. Just
write two simple lines:
if ( NULL == str)
return 0;
That is simple, and safe.



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